Hi ,
This past weekend my wife and I went to one of Texas' biggest automotive "Swap Meets" held just outside the Texas Motor Speedway (for you NASCAR fans).
The annual meet is sponsored by the Texas Pate Museum, which has been having this event for as long as I can remember.
It could take the entire 4 days to see all of the antique, vintage and hot rod parts displayed, as well as the many vehicles in various states of completion (and quite a few up for auction).
Well, the weather was great and we had a great time...but the main reason for mentioning this is that I had ulterior motives...mainly to check out the Jeeps, and Jeep parts for sale.
Although the Jeeps were few and far between, I spotted a turquoise and white 1969 Jeepster Commando with only 38,000 actual miles on it, the "Dauntless" 225 V6...and in very nice condition.

My wife fell in love with it...but the price was a bit steep, and I am looking for something a little newer. However, I must admit I was quite tempted.
I guess I'm like a kid in a candy store when it comes to Jeeps...and old vintage cars/trucks as well.
So...let's move on to the:
Reader's Jeeps of the Month

A True Jeep Lover in Italy...Loredana and her 1991 YJ Wrangler...Click Photo for More!

Sergio From Mexico Shows Off His Nicely Restored Postal DJ5 Jeep...Click Photo for More!

Gone But Not Forgotten...Rafael's Willys CJ3A...Click Photo for More!

Mark from Australia Sent This Nice 1963 Willys Jeep Pickup...Click Photo for More!

Barney Reflects on His 1971 Jeep CJ5...Click Photo for More!
Jeep Lover's Headquarters:
Tip of the Month
Using the right lubricant for your engine is crucial for maintaining proper function and reliability, not to mention longevity, in your Jeep's "go-maker".
Question: Can I safely use mixed brands of oil in my engine?
Answer: Not a good idea! Mixing different brands of oil (even with the same viscosity and ratings) is not recommended due to each manufacturer using different chemical additives, which can have adverse interactions with other oil additive blends.
The same goes for synthetic oils, which should not be mixed with conventional oil or other brands of synthetics for the same reasons as above.
The simplest and easiest things to do are:
- Insist on the same brand of oil at every oil change.
- If you intend to switch to a different brand of oil, drain the old oil and fill with the new oil brand...run the engine briefly, then drain and refill again (new brand)...and then stick with the new brand of oil onward.
- Do the same when switching synthetic oil brands.
- If you are unsure of which brand of oil to use in your Jeep, check with your owners manual for factory recommendations.
- Keep a spare can or bottle of your brand of oil in your Jeep when off roading or exploring...and don't forget the funnel.
Well, hopefully that should keeps things sliding along, and add longer life to your rig's motor.
So until next time remember...clean fresh oil to a motor is like fresh vegetables are to your health.
Jeep Safely
***P.S. Don't forget to get your Jeep photo and story...new, used, beater, project or any other condition...on the Love of Jeeps website by submitting yours here: Your Jeep Page...and I will consider it for the website.
Let me know what you think about anything Jeep related by contacting me anytime.
***P.S.S. Don't miss anything new on the 4 The Love Of Jeeps website by subscribing to the RSS and Jeeps Blog feed here: RSS/Jeeps Blog

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