Hi ,
Whew! Fall in Texas has really crept up on us. Daytime temps have been in the mid 70's with nighttime lows in the upper 40's.
Maybe that's not unusual where you live, but we often see temps stay in the 90's through October. I'm not complaining at all. It's beautiful now, and October is still young so we shall see.
Since the last newsletter I've gotten my project '95 Wrangler YJ back on the road. With the new exhaust header, serpentine belt, hoses, water pump, thermostat oil change and general fix-up/clean-up the new (old) YJ passed state inspection with flying colors.

I hope to have the Jeep ready for it's maiden off road excursion sometime within the next three weeks or so. Both of my brothers-in-law have Wranglers. One has an '04 Rubicon and the other has an '06 Golden Eagle.
We are looking to have a great time and bring back some good photos to share here.
Now, let's check in with our:
Readers Jeeps of the Month

Eric's 1961 Willys FC170 Fire Truck...(click photo for more!)

Hoppy's 2007 Jeep Liberty...(click photo for more!)

Dan's 1979 Jeep CJ7 Golden Eagle...(click photo for more!)

Camron's 1988 Jeep Cherokee XJ...(click photo for more!)

Amanda's 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee...(click photo for more!)

Clayton's 2005 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited...(click photo for more!)
Jeep Tips of the Month
Some factors to consider for safe operation of high clearance Jeeps on pavement:
- Keep your speed reasonable. Don't exceed speed limits especially in bad weather conditions. The little Jeeps were not meant for high speeds anyway, and they were especially not meant to be driven like sports cars. And with gas prices today why not save gas as well...
- Be extra cautious with sharp turns. Many Jeep rollovers occur because of quick or panic turns of the wheel.
- Be alert. Pay careful attention to your driving. (I know... this applies to driving any vehicle.
It's just more critical in a high clearance Jeep.)
- Know your Jeep's limitations and respect them. They ARE versatile, but they can't go anywhere or do anything contrary to some folklore.
- Don't brake hard in bad weather. Anti-lock brakes have helped this tremendously, but not all newer Jeeps and older Jeeps have this safety feature.
Here are some factors for safe off-road operation:
- Many of the same precautions apply as in the above list for on-pavement driving, so I won't repeat them again.
- Make certain you have a good solid roll-cage on your Jeep.
- Have an approved fire extinguisher secured on the Jeep at all times.
- If the terrain looks too difficult, don't try it. This is a recipe for disaster. Note: A simple slope can have enough angle for a rollover if your position on the grade is not right.
- Know what's at the top of a hill BEFORE you try to climb it in your Jeep.
- Stay focused. When you are on unstable ground anything can happen to throw you off course into danger.
- Again, I can't stress enough to watch your speed. Unless you are an experienced Baja racer or the such, you and your Jeep are best served by taking it S-L-O-W.
- Jeeps break...and...people break! Have enough basic tools and parts for emergencies. Carry a good first aid kit as well.
So, until next time stay safe, have fun and remember that your dog should roll over...not your Jeep!
God Bless Our Service Men and Women, Past, Present and Future. Freedom Is Never Free!
***P.S. Don't forget to get your Jeep photo and story...new, used, beater, project or any other condition...on the Love of Jeeps website by submitting yours here: Your Jeep Page...and I will consider it for the website.
Let me know what you think about anything Jeep related by contacting me anytime.
***P.S.S. Don't miss anything new on the 4 The Love Of Jeeps website by subscribing to the RSS and Jeeps Blog feed here: RSS/Jeeps Blog

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