Hi ,
Hope you are doing well.
I hate to admit it, but due to a number of unavoidable distractions I have been neglectful and fallen way behind on my Jeeps...and their needs.
Although they seem to wait patiently for my attention, the '95 Wrangler YJ is inching closer to getting the new (rebuilt) transfer case...while the '87 Comanche MJ needs a lot of basic maintenance, including a front end alignment (after hitting a curb during the last snow storm).
And speaking of the Old Indian (Comanche) I have lately had several different strangers excitedly asking about the old pickup. One guy wanted to buy it and said he would pay cash on the spot...while the other just thought it was the coolest thing since...well...the last Jeep Pickup.

Even though I was flattered by the attention paid to the old girl I could not imagine parting with her. So I will soon get busy with a tune-up, oil and filter change, and alignment...and maybe even throw in a wash and wax job to make her feel "purdy" again.
And if you are lucky enough to have one of these classic pickups in decent shape, I would suggest holding on to it if you can, because good Comanche MJ's are getting more and more scarce.
In the meantime let's see what our Jeep Lovers from all over the world have to show off in:
Readers Jeeps of the Month
(Find Out How to Show off Your Jeep! It's Easy!)

Kevin Misses His 1989 Korando K9-D...(click photo for more!)

Dave and Tina's 1981 Full Sized Jeep Cherokee...(click photo for more!)

Ethel's 1945 Willys MB...(click photo for more!)

Keith's 1994 Grand Cherokee ZJ...(click photo for more!)

Bill's $50 Jeep CJ5...(click photo for more!)

Rick's CJ5 Sand Dragster...(click photo for more!)
Jeep Tips of the Month
...Buying Old or New?
You find yourself looking to buy a Jeep. At first glance the old CJ's look pretty cool and have been around forever...but the newer Wranglers are really nice too.
And what about the Cherokee XJ's or the fullsized Wagoneers...and J-series pickups? Would a newer Grand Cherokee, Liberty or Patriot be the ticket?
Well, from my experience there are several questions to ask yourself and honestly answer before making your final decision:
- Do I have the mechanical skills to work on an older Jeep, or can I afford to pay someone else to do the work needed?
- Am I willing to take the time and effort to learn about my Jeep with all of its abilities and limitations?
- Do I plan on using my Jeep as a daily driver, off roader, towed Jeep, ranch Jeep or any combination of these?
- Would a newer Jeep having the amenities like air conditioning, better performance and smoother ride characteristics better suit my needs?
- How much am I willing to invest in either rebuilding an older Jeep, or for the initial purchase of a newer one?
I am also of the opinion that one needs to start somewhere, and if the price is right there would at least be a potential learning experience with an older Jeep. How much time, effort and expense you put into your project can vary greatly, again depending on your personal abilities. And again, if your Jeep will be your primary means of transportation, or more of a hobby, that will also need to be considered as well.
In my experience the older a vehicle is, the more upkeep is necessary and the parts/accessories are often harder to find. The time, effort and money required to rebuild, fix or just maintain old Jeeps can quickly take the fun out of owning one...but if you are as Jeep Crazy as I am...these old relics still get the adrenalin pumping with thoughts of rebuilding to specs or creating a great trail rig.
Newer Jeeps have more modern technology, durability and comfort than the old Jeeps had, and frankly may be the better choice for most of us.
So it seems the answer to "buying old or new" all depends on ones individual desire, financial status, technical skills, comfort level and needs...which when you break it all down can apply to either one...or both.

Jeep Trivia: The U.S. military paid an average of around $739.00 for each Jeep vehicle purchased during World War II.
So, until next time remember...A Jeep in your day..Keeps the blues away!
Get your Jeep's repair manual or a fun Jeep book...the cheapest Jeep book deals are at Jeep Books Plus.
***Please Remember Our Service Men and Women in Your Prayers! You Can Help Support the Troops in Many Ways. Here are several Military Support Websites.***
***P.S. Don't forget to get your Jeep photo and story...new, used, beater, project or in any other condition...on the Love of Jeeps website by submitting yours here: Your Jeep Page...and I will consider it for the website.
Let me know what you think about anything Jeep related by contacting me anytime.
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