Hi ,
Hot! Hot! Hot! As I sit down to write this newsletter it is around 109 degrees Farenheit here in North Central Texas...and I plan to play tennis in this stuff later this afternoon (doh!).
I hope that wherever you are you are not getting crispy from the heat. Although it was hot, but not quite this hot on July 4th some of my family members with Jeeps (and one Toyota FJ Cruiser) caravanned on up to the Red River area of North Texas and Southern Oklahoma.
We were 3 Wranglers, the FJ Cruiser and a Toyota Prius chase car.

From Left to Right: 2006 Wrangler TJ Golden Eagle; My 1995 Wrangler YJ; 2004 Wrangler Rubicon, and; 2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser
My old '95 YJ hung in there with these (admittedly) better rigged 4x4's and only stalled once on a fairly steep hill (driver error), but made it easily to the top on the 2nd attempt.

Two of us at the top of a steep hill.
Anyway, with the exception of the heat and one passenger feeling ill, the trip was fun for all. The CB chatter and trash talk was also a blast.

And now let's once again take a look at our:
Readers Jeeps of the Month
(Find Out How to Show off Your Jeep! It's Easy!)

Joseph's 2006 Wrangler TJ (Jada)...(click photo for more!)

Eric's 1990 Wrangler YJ Islander...(click photo for more!)

Jess' 1974 Jeep J20 Pickup...(click photo for more!)

Adan's 1965 Jeep CJ6...(click photo for more!)

Jonathan's 1982 Jeep CJ7 Sunburst Edition...(click photo for more!)

Don's Cherokee XJ Little Green Stomper...(click photo for more!)
Jeep Tips of the Month
...CB Radios!
Although becoming less prominent in trucks and cars due to the advent of the cell phone, CB (Citizen Band) Radios are still often seen and used among off road enthusiasts...and especially by Jeep owners.
Many Jeep clubs and 4x4 groups require that members have a functioning CB radio installed on club trail runs as a safety measure so that members can communicate swiftly with other members, and with trail officials if necessary.
Getting out of your Jeep on a steep trail or in a mud bog to get assistance can be dangerous. With a CB radio, everyone listening to your groups designated channel can be apprised of your situation...and coordinate help if needed.
The CB can also keep everyone in the group aware of what is going on in front of them and in the back of the pack. This helps everyone anticipate obstacles or unfamiliar trail conditions before getting to them.
The CB radio can be just plain fun to talk with fellow Jeepers while exploring different areas, yet staying connected within a range up to around 2 to 5 miles depending on the terrain, trees, mountains, structures, etc.
Finding a good mounting location within your Jeep can be a challenge. It is best to have the face of the radio within easy view of the intended user, and in easy reach for accessing the microphone, changing channels, adjusting volume and "squelching" radio noise.
The radio's speaker should be close enough to hear adequately, although most CB's have an external speaker jack so that you can mount an external speaker (or headphones, ear buds, etc.) wherever you want.
The external antenna can be a magnetic base or a fixed base mount (I prefer a fixed mount), but must be tuned to the radio when it is mounted. Most antennas have a built in tuning system, and many modern CB radios have built in SWR (Standing Wave Ratio) meters to fine tune the antenna to the radio.
Tuning the radio to the antenna is important to get the most efficient range and function from your combination. How to do this can be found with a simple Google online search.
Okay, so what CB radio should I buy for my Jeep? That's a tough one because everyone has different tastes and budgets to work with.
My personal choice is to go with the least expensive and simple radio available, with a decent tunable antenna.

I have this Midland 40 Channel Model 1001Z in My Wrangler linked to a 40" whip antenna.
This Midland CB radio does all the basics of an expensive radio at a fraction of the cost (around $32..less antenna). It is quite compact (small) and easy to mount in a cramped Wrangler or CJ Jeep.
If I were to upgrade my CB I would go with a Cobra 75 WXST 40-Channel CB radio which has all of the controls and speaker housed in the microphone for easy up-close use.
If you have a CB radio or you're planning on getting one please remember that good etiquette is expected while using a CB radio, so please speak clearly, and use appropriate language...even if others are not.
Jeep Trivia: In 2007 the Jeep Wrangler JK was the only Jeep available with a solid front axle.
So until next time, this is the Rubber Ducky saying "catch you on the flip-flop good buddy".
Get your Jeep's repair manual or a fun Jeep book...the cheapest Jeep book deals are at Jeep Books Plus.
***Please Remember Our Service Men and Women in Your Prayers! You Can Help Support the Troops in Many Ways. Here are several Military Support Websites.***
***P.S. Don't forget to get your Jeep photo and story...new, used, beater, project or in any other condition...on the Love of Jeeps website by submitting yours here: Your Jeep Page...and I will consider it for the website.
Let me know what you think about anything Jeep related by contacting me anytime.
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