Hi ,
Here's hoping you had a blessed Christmas and are beginning a wonderful new year.
Notice: A new feature has been added for the newsletter starting now. It is a Jeep Classified Ad section. If you are a subscriber to this newsletter you can submit your Jeep "For Sale" ad for free and it will be listed in the next months issue. Follow the instructions in the link below if interested:
Sell Your Jeep
I had the pleasure of taking the '95 Wrangler YJ offroading a few days after Christmas. My brother-in-law, Andrew brought along his nicely built black '04 Wrangler Rubicon.

My '95 Red YJ (left) and Andrew's '04 Rubicon (right).
We took the Jeeps to the Northwest OHV Park in Bridgeport, Texas. We had just experienced a rare white Christmas with some heavy rains as well in North Texas, so the trails were full of mild to fairly deep water and mud pits.

My Muddy YJ
Both Wranglers sloshed through the mud pits without getting stuck, and we took on a few mild to moderate climbs. (My 33/12.50/15 BFG T/A KO tires did very well) The slick conditions increased the challenge of getting up more of the steeper climbs, and many of the wheelers on the trails stayed away from the steep stuff. My YJ does not have locking differentials (yet) so I leave the rough stuff to those who are better equipped to handle the more challenging trails.

As a matter of fact I was talking to another Jeep guy in a '95 built-up Grand Cherokee and I remarked that I am either a "chicken" or "know better" than to tackle some of the more difficult trails with my rig. He said he thought it best to "know better". I told him that I put a lot of time, work and money into my Jeep, and to be careless seemed foolish. He agreed. Caution is the better part of valor.
All in all it was a fun trip and I was pleased with the old YJ's performance.
In this issue of Your Jeep Rides, Rigs and Rebuilds we will highlight several proud reader's rigs that they submitted to the 4-The-Love-of-Jeeps(dot)com website...focusing on the Willys Wagons. Remember, if you have a Jeep truck, Wrangler, CJ, Cherokee, Grand Cherokee, or any other Jeep old or new...you can showcase yours on the website as well.
Your Jeep Rides, Rigs and Rebuilds!
(Find Out How to Show off Your Jeep! It's Easy!)

Anith's 1947 Willys Wagon 2WD...(click photo for more!)

Louis' 1947 Willys Wagon...(click photo for more!)

Paul's 1958 Fully Restored Willys Wagon...(click photo for more!)

Sergio's 1961 Project Willys Panel Wagon...(click photo for more!)

Jeepster 4's First Car a 1949 Willys Wagon ...(click photo for more!)

Allen's 1949 Willys Wagon Gasser...(click photo for more!)

Rafael says Willys Wagons are Hot in Mexico...(click photo for more!)
Jeep Talk...
CJ Automatic Swap to Stick Shift?
I received the following question from Jim asking about the possibilities of swapping a standard transmission into an automatic driven CJ:
Jim Writes: I found a Jeep I am very interested in rebuilding with my son. It is a 1979 CJ with a 304 V8. My dilemma to purchase is the Jeep came with an automatic transmission and I really want a stick. How hard is the conversion? Thanks
My Reply: Hi Jim,
In my opinion it is far easier (and less expensive) to find a Jeep that already has a manual transmission. Older CJ's are pretty plentiful with manual transmissions. There is nothing wrong with having an automatic either, but like you I prefer the simplicity and enjoyment of shifting gears. Doing a conversion will require finding a compatible manual transmission, getting all of the mechanisms for the clutch (linkage, pedal assembly, master cylinder/slave cylinder, clutch disk, pressure plate, throw-out bearing, bell housing, and any adapters needed.) Then you may have to install new transmission mounts, adapter for the transfer case, and get new driveshafts to fit. Seems like a lot of hassle to me, but it has been done before.
Jeep Trivia: The "Jeeps" fold down windshield was first introduced in the Willys in 1940.
So, until next time remember that no hill is too steep, and no crossing is too deep...and if you believe all that...I hope you have good insurance.
Get your Jeep's repair manual or a fun Jeep book...the cheapest Jeep book deals are at Jeep Books Plus.
***Please Remember Our Service Men and Women in Your Prayers! You Can Help Support the Troops in Many Ways. Here are several Military Support Websites.***
***P.S. Don't forget to get your Jeep photo and story...new, used, beater, project or in any other condition...on the Love of Jeeps website by submitting yours here: Your Jeep Page...and I will consider it for the website.
Let me know what you think about anything Jeep related by contacting me anytime.
***P.P.S. Don't miss anything new on the 4 The Love Of Jeeps website by subscribing to the RSS and Jeeps Blog feed here: RSS/Jeeps Blog

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