Hi ,
Wow! Spring is rapidly approaching. It's expected to be 83 degrees F. here in Texas today, but our weather often changes within minutes.
I'm not complaining at all, but my main point is that with warmer weather on the way I like to do some spring cleaning, or in this case, spring repairs on the Jeeps.
When I first purchased the '95 Wrangler YJ it had two obvious dents, one on each rocker panel. Let me just say right off that body work is not my thing. I have done very little (next to none) in the past. I have been fairly good at putting dents in the Jeeps, but not so confident in taking the dents out.
Well, sometimes the best way to get over your insecurities is to jump right in and start pounding, sanding, filling and painting. So, after reading a number of online tutorials, and buying some inexpensive body hammers and dollies from Harbor Freight I have taken the plunge to the point of no return.
So far I have sanded down to bare metal and pounded out the worst of the dents. My next step is to do a little more shaping of the metal, then move on to the Bondo, and more sanding.
The last steps will include applying the paint primer, the matching paint color, and a simple clear coat. Since the areas are relatively small I will be using rattle cans (off the shelf spray cans) to do this job.
Hopefully I won't be embarrassed to show off the finished product, but at least I've taken the plunge and have already learned a lot about basic body work. I'll tell you more about the finished results in the next issue...unless it looks like something a 2-year old put together with Play Dough...ha!
In this issue of Your Jeep Rides, Rigs and Rebuilds we will highlight several proud reader's rigs that they submitted to the 4-The-Love-of-Jeeps(dot)com website...focusing on the highly popular Wrangler TJ produced from 1997 through 2006. Also, if you have a Jeep truck, Wrangler, CJ, Cherokee, Grand Cherokee, or any other Jeep old or new...you can showcase yours on the website as well.
Your Jeep Rides, Rigs and Rebuilds!
(Find Out How to Show off Your Jeep! It's Easy!)

Sam's '97 Wrangler TJ...(click photo for more!)

John's '99 Wrangler TJ...(click photo for more!)

DS's 2000 Wrangler TJ...(click photo for more!)

Jennifer's 2002 Wrangler TJ...(click photo for more!)

Andrew's 2004 Wrangler TJ Rubicon...(click photo for more!)

Joe's 2006 Wrangler TJ...(click photo for more!)
Jeep Talk...
Drowned Jeep?
I received the following question from Kyle asking about his Wrangler having problems after a deep water crossing.
Kyle Writes: I need help, please. I have a '97 Wrangler TJ Sport with automatic, and the 6cyl 4.0L. About 2 weeks ago I went through a Jeep course I'm familiar with and went through a large amount of water (more than expected). It bogged the Jeep, but after it dried out my Jeep was hard to start and there was a miss in the engine, and now 2 weeks later the hard starting and the miss are still there. I don't get it.
My Reply: Hi Kyle,
When you have gone through a substantial amount of water or mud (and have not completely hydro-locked the engine) it is a very good idea to drain and refill (with fresh recommended lubricants) all of the fluids of the engine, transmission, transfer case, and both axles/differentials.
Also, if water or debris got into your intake and into the cylinders you will need to pull all of the spark plugs, shoot a small amount of Marvels Mystery Oil, or equivalent, into the cylinders. Crank the engine (with all spark plugs still out). Let sit for about an hour...then replace with new appropriately gapped spark plugs.
Make sure all of your electronic/ignition parts are dry and well connected...and all vacuum hoses are connected and in good condition.
Your miss may be from a bent or burned valve as water in your engine can do significant damage.
Try all of the things above and see if you get any improvement.
Hope this helps some, Kyle.
Jeep Trivia: When compared to the previous Wrangler Unlimited, the redesigned 2007 Wrangler Unlimited 4-door boasted nearly double the cargo space.
Your Thoughts: I recently wrote the following article on the new 2014 Jeep Cherokee entitled European Influence Slowly Ruining Jeep Brand
No personal disrespect intended to Europeans...just in regard to those who tamper with the Jeep brand. All comments are welcome.
So, until next time remember...to err is human...to keep on erring is just plain stupid!
Sell Your Jeep Here
Get your Jeep's repair manual or a fun Jeep book...the cheapest Jeep book deals are at Jeep Books Plus.
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***P.S. Don't forget to get your Jeep photo and story...new, used, beater, project or in any other condition...on the Love of Jeeps website by submitting yours here: Your Jeep Page...and I will consider it for the website.
Let me know what you think about anything Jeep related by contacting me anytime.
***P.P.S. Don't miss anything new on the 4 The Love Of Jeeps website by subscribing to the RSS and Jeeps Blog feed here: RSS/Jeeps Blog

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