Hi ,
I hope you had a wonderful and blessed Easter. Between church and family activities during Holy Week I was able to finish up some long needed work on the Wrangler.
The body work and paint has finally been finished on the rocker panels of the '95 YJ. The work doesn't look knock-out professional, but then again I'm not a professional paint and body man. However, I think it looks 100% better than it did.

Finally I was able to get to the new rock rails I received for Christmas from my beautiful wife. These things had been taking up space in the garage for several months, so it was nice to finally get them installed. I guess I was so excited and in a hurry to finally mount these rock rails that I put the first one on the wrong side. Yikes! This meant that I had already drilled 6 holes in the rocker panel and had it partially mounted before I realized that it was on the wrong side. Dang!

I lost precious hours repairing the holes I unintentionall drilled in the tub on the driver's side. Six holes filled with bondo and 2 hours later I was back, but now more than ever determined to not make another stupid mistake.
This time everything went together perfectly with no further glitches. Okay, I did forget to tighten the body mounts on the passenger side, and only remembered after a few photo shots and 2 test drives. Hey, nobody's perfect!
In this issue of Your Jeep Rides, Rigs and Rebuilds we will highlight several proud reader's rigs that they submitted to the 4-The-Love-of-Jeeps(dot)com website...focusing on the long running Jeep CJ (42 model years) produced from 1945 through 1986. Also, if you have a Jeep truck, Wrangler, CJ, Cherokee, Grand Cherokee, or any other Jeep old or new...you can showcase yours on the website as well.
Your Jeep Rides, Rigs and Rebuilds!
(Find Out How to Show off Your Jeep! It's Easy!)

Mike's 1946 CJ2A Project...(click photo for more!)

Tony's 1966 CJ5...(click photo for more!)

Bill's 1969 CJ5...(click photo for more!)

Pete's 1972 CJ5 Renegade...(click photo for more!)

Rick's 1975 CJ5 Renegade...(click photo for more!)

Tim's Restored 1978 CJ5...(click photo for more!)

Tyler's 1981 CJ7 Laredo...(click photo for more!)

Luke's 1984 CJ7...(click photo for more!)
Jeep Talk...
Clutch Issues
I received the following question from Rezia asking about a Wrangler having clutch problems.
Rezia Writes: Hello Larry
I have a 1995 Jeep Wrangler YJ with a 5 Speed Manual transmission and the inline 6, 4.0L HO Motor. This Jeep has been kept in perfect condition and currently has 305,000 miles on it. When I say perfect condition, I mean not one drop of fluid is leaking nor is it burning oil. The only problem I am having is that the clutch pedal has been growing weaker and weaker and shifting is becoming quite a task. The pedal seems to lose pressure at times and requires multiple attempts to get the transmission into gear. There is not a drop of fluid leaking and I am not sure how I should go about repairing this issue. I would rather not purchase the complete clutch kit if I don't need to. I am wondering if it is just the actual pressure plate that has worn out since the fluid isn't leaking. How can I identify which clutch component is the actual problem?
My Reply: Hi Rezia...If you have noticeable slippage in your clutch while starting from a stop or under power while shifting gears, then you have a bad clutch disk, pressure plate, etc. However, these Jeeps have clutch master cylinders and slave cylinders that are often troublesome in that they seem to bleed off without any obvious leakage. Sometimes you can try to reverse bleed the system to remove even the slightest air bubbles, but often the system must be replaced (again assuming the clutch plate, pressure plate and release bearing are functioning properly). I had the same issues with my '95 Wrangler YJ. Reverse bleeding helped some, but the problem still persisted. I finally broke down and purchased the complete clutch master and slave cylinder kit. Problem completely solved. Below is a link to the complete replacement clutch master and slave cylinder kit for your Jeep if it needs to be replaced.
Hope this helps some, Rezia.
Jeep Trivia: Daimler Chrysler manufactured various Jeep vehicles in the United States, Austria, China, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Venezuela, Argentina and Egypt.
Your Thoughts: Tell us where your number one favorite place is to go off road. Let us know here:
Favorite Off Road Location
So, until next time remember...when you make mistakes don't beat yourself up about it...do like I do and just count to 10...then beat yourself up.
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***P.S. Don't forget to get your Jeep photo and story...new, used, beater, project or in any other condition...on the Love of Jeeps website by submitting yours here: Your Jeep Page...and I will consider it for the website.
Let me know what you think about anything Jeep related by contacting me anytime.
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