1972 Mahindra CJ4

by Rushikesh Galande
(Mumbai, India)

1972 Mahindra CJ4

1972 Mahindra CJ4

Nice to see a CJ4 other than mine, at least in photographs. I live in India and own an original CJ4. As a child I used to follow this jeep in my town wherever I saw it. And finally when the owner wanted to give it away to a caretaker, my dad bought it for me.

It belonged to a church in Pune which was bought by the owner before me. His name was Victor and he used to religiously maintain the jeep and used to spend hours cleaning it. We promised his son that it will stay with us forever and we will maintain it just like his dad did.

It was my daily driver in Design school in Pune. Now I am planning to restore it. This jeep is so rare that I have never seen the same model in real other than mine.

Once I had an interview at Mahindra Design Studio where I mentioned that I have a CJ4. They were surprised and said probably Mahindra doesn't have one any more. It's a rare and very dependable jeep.

Mahindra made these long wheelbase jeeps as an experiment to see if people like it or not. The chassis and body were cut in the middle by Mahindra itself and extended 10 inches.

The difference between CJ4 and CJ4a is its overhangs. CJ4 has short overhang on chassis and body is short in the rear. You can see the chassis joints done by the company.

Mine is original except the engine which its previous owner got changed to diesel. But the body is 100% original.

I also have a Willys CJ3B which is all original.
Both jeeps need restoration.


Rushikesh Galande

Comments for 1972 Mahindra CJ4

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Great going bro
by: Tanmay

Very nice to see this.

by: ravikant mittal

You forgot to mention its name, Victory :)

Wonderful ride
by: ajinkya

Recently I had a ride with this cool jeep. It was a wonderful experience to drive this CJ4.

"Victory" it is
by: Rushikesh Galande

Yes Ravi I forgot to mention the name. My family doesn't call it jeep. We call it "Victory". Her owner is Mr. Victor who passed away. He will always be the owner for me and I consider myself a custodian of it. The owners family was too attached to the vehicle and I remember his little grand children were quite upset to give it away.

To keep that memory of its owner we named it Victory. It's not only the significance of the model year and rarity that fascinates me. It's also the history of Victory itself. It served the church, then an old man took care of her for many years. And he loved to take care if it.

It had an impact on my mind since the few years before we got her. I used to wonder why someone has cut this jeep and made it longer. Only after buying it I realized that it was an actual production model run for a few years.

by: polo v12

bonjour il se trouve que j habite en france et que j ai la meme mahindra que vous(version rallonge) moteur d origine hurican je vais bientot commencer a la restaurer (en esperant que je trouve encore des pieces de rechange

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