All About Me and My Jeep Madness!

My 1995 Jeep Wrangler YJ
Are you sure you want to know a little about me? Okay, then don't say I didn't warn you.
Hi, my name is Larry Morton and I am a native Texan. I love my state for its diversity of regions and its natural beauty. Texas could easily be 5 different States each with dramatically contrasting regions such as forests to the East; flat plateaus to the West; mountains and desert to the Southwest; coastal plains to the South; and, rolling hills in the North and Central areas.

Needless to say Texas provides vast opportunities for getting away from it all in a Jeep,
even though I think the official state vehicle is probably the Pickup truck. By the about the Jeep Gladiator Pickup Truck?
Speaking of pickups, the '87 Jeep Comanche in the photo below has been with me for many years.

Anyway, back to me...I really don't like talking much about myself, but I guess some of you may want to know if I'm real or just some figment of my own imagination. (Figure that one out!)
Well, that really is me (below) a few years ago suspended 500 feet above the beautiful blue Caribbean off the Cayman Islands strapped to a Para-sail harness and being towed by a boat. A passing seagull took the picture...okay it wasn't a seagull, it was my wife...who was harnessed next to me by the way.

Pretty cool, Huh? And you thought I was going to show you a picture of me off roading in the desert while airborne in a Jeep CJ7 or such!'s not a CJ7 above...but instead a rented TJ Wrangler on a beautiful rocky beach in Mexico!

Here's a favorite older picture from one of my desert trips with my 1953 Jeep M38A1 where I became dehydrated and stood straight up (while driving) head pressed into the soft top...because of severe cramps in both legs...all at the same time.
I couldn't bend my legs and had to literally throw myself out of the Jeep and wait for the cramping to subside before driving back to our campsite.
I can honestly say that I have had more fun off roading, especially in Jeeps, than just about any other hobby/sport I have experienced.

No doubt I have done a number of treks in the desert and elsewhere over the years, but even Jeepers have other interests...don't they? why do this website?
I chose to do this website because I want to share with you my enthusiasm regarding Jeeps and anything or anyone connected with them, especially you who visit my site.
I left a long career to pursue this new venture of writing and documenting significant portions of my life experiences, ideas and passions for all to see. By freely giving my knowledge and experience to you I hope to enrich your lives in any way possible.
How did I discover that doing an informational website was my new calling? For one thing I woke up one day and realized that I had little or no written or recorded personal history to pass along to the next generation and beyond. So, I started looking for a way to achieve the above goals and to make a living online.
However, this wasn't the first time I had looked into online opportunities. I researched and studied many types of programs and online businesses. Many sounded promising, but most just took my money and left me hanging, or worse yet, wanted more money to "upgrade".
I readily admit that I was fooled more than once.
The good news is that I learned from my mistakes and began to be more savvy about my online choices. I even got to where I could spot a phony ad after the first few sentences.
Well, to make a long story short, I stumbled onto an ad with a picture of this "geeky" looking guy wanting to say something about this or that.

Sorry...Wrong Geeky Guy Picture.
I must have passed over that ad 10 times during the next several weeks (it almost seemed to be following me...well, not really!)
Finally, I clicked the link to see what the "geeky" looking guy had to say. That old ad has since been updated, but I'll never forget the impact it had on me.
I can't say that my life changed forever, but something seemed different with this ad. There was something professional and business-like without all the hype I had seen in other ads promoting their services.
The "geeky" looking guy turned out to be a truly distinguished gentleman and medical doctor/entrepreneur. (I hope Dr. Evoy will forgive the "geeky looking" references.)
After listening to and reading the material I realized that no other program on the internet (believe me, I tried many of them) came close to providing the tools to actually build a complete online business...EVEN WITH NO TECHNICAL COMPUTER EXPERIENCE!!
I couldn't believe it! I hated computers and barely knew how to get my e-mail. I only owned a computer for the word processor function (for my job) and a few games.
Well, this program helped me build this website and has been teaching me everything I need to be successful with my online business.
Get the story from other SBI! site owners and more. I promise it will at least give you something positive to think about!
I don't need to have many computer skills and never will (unless I want to). Every tool is provided.
The program is wonderful for students, stay-at-home-moms, retirees, or anyone (like me) who is tired of working for someone else and wants to either supplement a current job, or build a completely new exciting online business.
So, in essence I'm doing something that I now love to do, and I have the professional support necessary to build a successful internet business.
So can you! There's nothing to lose...and a whole lot to gain. Check it out for yourself.
Click to See the Difference for Yourself!
...or compare yours or other online business programs to mine here:
My Updated Site Build It! Review
Thanks for your attention,
Some time has past since this page was originally written, but the information and sentiment are just as relevant.
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