Thank you for considering having your ad(s) appear on 4-The-Love-Of-Jeeps.Com website.
I will admit that my advertising expertise is limited, but one thing I do know is that advertisers want as much exposure to targeted audiences as possible.
With this Advertisers Page I want to offer simple, but comprehensive coverage options on this website...but first a few statistics. has been active online since 2007 and consists of over 830 quality pages...and is still growing.
In 2011 alone this website garnered over 1.3 million page-views throughout the entire site, which averaged out to over 109 thousand page-views per month.
Also, in 2011 the number of unique visitors came to over 467 thousand, which averaged out to almost 40,000 visitors per month site-wide.
So again, to keep your advertising options as simple and productive as possible, below are the packages available on
(Option A) Your single block Banner link or Text link ad sized roughly within 168Wx168H located in the far right column...above the fold working downward...first come first served rank order. Your ad will appear on every page (1000+) of this website with few exceptions (see **TERMS OF SERVICE** below). Purchase space: $500 per year, per ad. Absolutely the best bang for your advertising dollar.
(Option B) Replace any currently running (single) Google Adsense ad block (up to 336x280) on a Tier 2 or Tier 3 page with your Banner link or Text link ad. (The Adsense ad will be completely removed, and your ad will take its place) Purchase space: $200 per ad, per year.
(Option C) Your text link ad up to approximately 150 characters placed on the Vendor's Page. (The "Our Vendors" button appears on the Navigation Bar site-wide as a tier 2 page) Purchase space: $50 per ad, per year
(Option D) Custom requests other than A, B or C options...negotiable.
1) No ads will be placed on the home page of this site
2) All ad links will be "NoIndex/NoFollow" exceptions. I do not buy or sell links, and discourage any attempts to do so on this website.
3) I reserve the right to deny, at my discretion, any advertising requests that may be deemed inappropriate in content, form, quality, or relationship to this website.
4) Advertising agreements are for one year intervals, and subject to renewal at the end of the agreement period. Agreed ad prices may be subject to change at renewal only.
5) Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. You may cancel your ad within the agreement period with written notice, and fees will be refunded on a prorated basis.
My goal is to maintain the integrity of this website so as to provide quality advertising which will benefit both the visitors to this website, and you...the advertiser.
Thank you again for your consideration, and I hope to be able to serve your advertising needs on this website for a long time.
Contact me through the form below. If you simply have questions, please skip to the Special Instructions, Questions, Suggestions section of the form below.
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