Ex Indian Army - MM550XD


Indian Army Jeep

Indian Army Jeep

Great Indian Army Jeep, a 2004 Mahindra MM550XD.
Superb Jeep. Decommissioned and sold recently. It has a 2.5 Liter Diesel Engine, and a 4 spd. KMT 90 Gearbox with DANA Differentials.

Larry's Comment: Sateesh...were you involved in any way with the sale or purchase? Nice looking MM Jeep!

Comments for Ex Indian Army - MM550XD

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by: Navjot Singh

I want to know which No. fan belt is used in this model.i.e MM550XD

Navjot Singh

Please leave answer here in the "comment" section...(Editor)

Fan Belt
by: Sateesh

The Fan Belt is same as the Bolero XD3P Engine. Fan belt should be identical.

2004 MM550XD
by: Anonymous

Yes Larry,

That is my Green Ex-Indian Army Jeep.


Hand brake & how many fan belts to be used
by: Lawrence Mathews

Sir, I have MM550 ARMY JEEP IN GOOD RUNNING CONDITION, BUT THERE IS NO HAND BRAKE. THERE IS A PROVISION FOR HAND BRAKE TO BE PULLED NEXT TO STEERING. Secondly I want to know how many fan belts can be used. Can a metal fan be used in place of the fibre plastic one? Please let me know. THANK YOU

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