by Vinnie The Torch
(Portland Maine U.S.A.)
Howdy do!
So I'm trying to i.d. this truck.
It's Jeep based and I believe they were made from surplus Jeeps, so it was probably designed before Jeep produced their own Forward Control vehicles. I'm told the company is still in business as a car dealership.
I am a part of an internet auto puzzle game and the powers that be have confirmed clues (I have come up with myself) as it's name being one of the following: Hander, Seitz, Wehinger, Strolz, Schneider, or Anwander.
Anyone know which one it is? Any history would be great too!
Thanks very much!
Vinnie The Torch
Larry's Comment: I'm stumped!
Anybody have any verifiable information about this truck?
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