I Prefer Hummer

by Dean

I prefer the Hummer for the off-road because a Hummer can cope better with the off-road terrain and still let you ride in comfort. A Hummer can get through even on the toughest obstacles. A Hummer has a switch where you can change from one level to another depending on your road roughness. For example you can change from low to high road combat rough off-road environments.

Amongst it's many advantages, the Hummer is also convincingly priced. It is very suitable for a large family since it is spacious and it has ample luggage space.

A Hummer is well elevated making it hard to get stuck on any off-road terrain. The Hummer is not a gas guzzler. There are other cars that use much more gas mileage than a Hummer. I prefer the Hummer because it is the ultimate answer for off-road users like say the military, geologist, landscapers, and a lot of other people who mostly need access to remote areas.

I also prefer the Hummer because it has a large engine, and is well equipped with a theft tracking system. Very few vehicles are as recognizable as the Hummer.

Comments for I Prefer Hummer

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by: Anonymous

That's stupid. My Jeep will out off road any Hummer any day.

Hummer Sux!!!!!
by: Anonymous

Jeep Wrangler Rubicon Will Get You Unstuck Anytime Anywhere! JEEPS RULE, Hummers only want to grow up to be JEEPS!

Not much brilliance here I see
by: Wheels his H3s

So the original poster sure didn't make a great case but I have to say, the responses seemed pretty stupid in comparison.

"My Jeep can out wheel any Hummer."
What a stupid response. Have you seen every Hummer out there? I would assume since you made that claim that your Jeep is HIGHLY modified? Guess what, there are some highly modified Hummers out there too. The best way to be shown up is to make a stupid blanket statement like that.

"Hummers want to grow up to be Jeeps."
Sorry to burst your bubble but I don't know a single Hummer owner that wishes they had a Jeep. On the contrary I know a number of Hummer owners that got Jeeps after the brand died and they miss their Hummers.

Doesn't matter, to each their own, wheel what you like.

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