Jeeps vs Hummers

by atz1999

Hummer is a luxury truck, and I don't think people buy them to go into offroad and just want to show off huge offroad tires that will never be used in the offroad.

Jeep is more practical, which is rugged and stylish and very general purpose.

Jeep for offroad over Hummer any day!

Larry's Comment: Is that your Jeep in the photo ATZ 1999?

Sure would like to know more about that one if it is yours.

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Most 4X4s aren't wheeled
by: Wheels his H3s

You are right that most Hummers are not purchased to go off road. There are a percentage of us that specifically purchased our Hummer to wheel but not the majority. What you don't realize though is the same can be said about Jeeps. I read a quote several years ago of a Jeep marketing exec that stated the percentages of Jeeps that actually go off road is about the same as Hummers, just there are that many more Jeeps sold.

A trend that I have noticed the past couple of years is people buying JKs, doing a lot of mods so they would be great wheelers but they never take them off road. I see them all the time these days, all decked out yet the undercarriage looks like it just came off the assembly line.

Too each their own on what you wheel but don't let stereotypes be your only source of info in life.

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