Son's Jeep Cherokee with 498,000 + Miles

by (name not included)

Well, this is about my son's 1988 Jeep Cherokee. Sorry I don't have the model, but I can tell you, he is completely obsessed with this vehicle. Why? Well, for starters, because it has been across country 8 times. One of the most incredible reasons is this; IT HAS 498,000 MILES logged onto the odometer, but that stopped working a couple years ago. What can I say about this vehicle? The body is STILL in great shape. It has no rust to speak of, and it certainly makes you aware of how solidly built vehicles were, not so long ago. He is so dedicated to this vehicle, that he refuses to do anything but drive it, and keep it tuned up to the best of his ability. He just replaced the ignition and solenoid, and plans to look for another Jeep Cherokee of the same year and model, for parts. This is crazy, only because he is still driving it as his primary vehicle. He has no other. With winter coming in New England, he is working diligently to prepare for the season. It will be a challenge to see if it starts in sub zero temps, for yet another year. I do believe that he has taken this on as a challenge. Aside from the natural curiosity of seeing how far he can drive this machine without major overhaul, he just loves it. Everything about it. Winter in Maine may have the last word, but now we are all 'hooked' on cheering it on.

Comments for Son's Jeep Cherokee with 498,000 + Miles

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by: hunter.k

That's great! I bought my '95 Cherokee new and it has 110,000 on it with no repairs and we all love my Jeep. It refuses to give up and I will not get rid of it no matter how much money it costs to fix it. And you may be in luck. My friend has one like yours with 596,000 miles on it with the original motor second transmission. So good luck.

by: J.Scott

Drove my 1988 Cherokee Limited for 300K miles before I gave it to my nephew.
6 water pumps, but the original transmission and the engine had never been opened.
Radiator finally needed to be replaced at 297K.
Great running car, reliable and comfortable. Body solid, interior too.

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