The Wrangler Jeep vs
The Jeep Cherokee XJ
Comparing the Wrangler Jeep and the Jeep Cherokee XJ for all practical purposes is not usually a heavy-weight, knock-down, drag-out match between two top contenders in the competitive world of "Who's the Best".
This comparison is more of a friendly sparring match between two great (but different) Jeep vehicles.
I don't think anything I say here will change the minds of die-hard Wrangler owners...or passionate Cherokee XJ owners either. However, there are significant differences both good and not so good with each of these models.
To keep this simple I'll give you some brief pros and cons of each Jeep, on the pavement and off.
First the Wrangler (YJ and TJ only for this comparison).
Wrangler (On Pavement):
1) Easier to park than a Cherokee (shorter wheelbase)
2) Easier to find in a crowded parking lot.
3) Has the "WOW" factor. Looks cooler going down the road.
Wrangler (Off Road):
1) The Wrangler can negotiate smaller, tighter and snakier (is that a word?) trails.
2) Can run with the top down and doors off without having to do any significant modifications.
3) Again, it has the "WOW" factor. Looks cooler going down the trail.
Cherokee XJ (On Pavement):
1) Much more comfortable interior and ride.
2) Much more interior space for family, gear and long highway trips.
3) Much less wind noise and chance for leaks from rain or wind.
Cherokee XJ (Off Road):
1) Not quite as nimble as the Wrangler, but can be set up to do almost everything a Wrangler can do on the trails.
2) Much more comfortable on rough trails.
3) Again, it has more space for passengers and gear, and it is more secure from the outside elements
So there you have it in a nutshell.
Which Jeep is best? Dumb question, huh? Obviously if you drive either Jeep and are happy with it, then it is best for you.
As for me...I would have one of each...and I practically do, having a '95 Wrangler Jeep YJ, and an MJ Jeep Comanche pickup, the Comanche being on same platform (for the most part) as the Jeep Cherokee XJ.
The Wrangler Jeep is the Flagship of the Jeep line-up...Click for more!
Jeep Cherokee XJ...One of the Most Successful Jeeps Ever Made!
Rafael's 1998 Cherokee XJ..Click Photo for More Info!
Sam's 1997 Wrangler...Click Photo for More Info!
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